Melted Mahogany Mirror

My Melted Mahognay Mirror, paying homage to Bonsoir Paris’ – Duremen Series.

Melting Mahogany Mirror. More of a test of patience than anything else. I had an old ikea wall mirror that sat leaning against my wall for 2 years, didn’t have a frame and wasn’t mounted. When I finally got around to making it’s frame, I decided it needed a little something extra.

The last picture is the original drawing for the frame, I used this to guide how I cut the mirror and generally to shape the wood. Using a hand held glass cutter, I scored the mirror and cracked it with a hammer. It broke in about 80% of the way I wanted, but based on how it cracked dictated how I had to adapt the wooden structure around it. This is why the final product varies from the original drawing.


Wood Provided by: House of Hardwood LA – @HouseofHardwoodLA

Inspired by Bonsoir Paris’ – Duremen Series